Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hot Child in the City

It's been so humid in the citay that one could cut the proverbial air with a proverbial knife. So I've been dealing with hizzeat by being as cool as I possibly can. It all started with 'ritas and aps on the west side with J-Dawg my bestest bud from HS, and we followed it up with hip-hopping on the lower east, former home of the squalid tenements and sweatshops of our immigrant ancestors, where we hit hotspots Pianos, Schiller's, and some French place that was so authentic, it even had its own Tabac.

Unfortunately, the combination of vin blanc, more plebian booze, and horrifying weather ensured that I had a headache and nausea and was out of commish for the nextish day. Nonetheless I rode out with dad and bro (and clutching stomach to hold on to its contents) to the hottest of suburban destinations, north-central jersey, to chill at the uber-greasy truck stop Pal's Cabin with a renowned architect and grandpa. Then on to Newark, to surprise mom with a pick-up-- she was coming, coming, back back from Cali Cali.
But then the apocolypse, in guise of a torrential thunder and lighting storm, arrived, grounding my mom in Hartford of all places (no offense, M. Twist), and sending eddies of rainwater into the baggage claim area at Newark (or Liberty for you hopeless patriots). So we turned 'round. But the food in the airport was gone, and things looked pretty grim. Lesson for today's world: bring luna bars, agua, and reading material wherever you go.

Saturday night we kicked it in the 10040 with J-dawg and Yo It's... Sunday was Columbus Circle/hell's kitch with a cameo from Twist, and I got new running shoes. They were not Nikes (fuck Nike).

Oh, and the weather finally de-humidified and is dry and delightful. And Entourage made me squirm (booo, Eric).

So that's my keepin' it cool narrative. The end.

roaches killed today: 2
good apartments snatched up this weekend while I was dallying: 2 (but it's cool, yo)
delicious brunches I enjoyed in the 'heights with free muffins, soy cheese omelette option and fresh squeezed Oj- but absolutely no line whatsoever:-1
Number of responses when you google my name and john tierney's together: 1



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