Friday, September 15, 2006

Another Rainy Day...

Yesterday I had a series of public transportation disasters as only can happen in New York including: an inordinate wait for a train that jus din' come...

*a bus ride that included a wheelchair passenger, agonizingly lifted and lowered, lifted and lowered. And you want to be like, hey, I'm all for your rights, but you're also like, shit I'm so fucking late right now. You know what I'm talking about.

*an unplanned stop at the bus terminal to switch drivers, discuss said switch, and then for driver numero dos to "test out" the equipment, the seatbelt, etc. Safety first!

*rainy day slowness on both rail and caravan routes.

Anyhooch, the day was improved upon with a visit to my chic SoHo fiction-writing workshop. The class was smaller, more intimate, and more relaxed on round two, a relief and an inspiration.

Other random thoughts:

On Rock Star: Supernova, Dilana was robbed, mothafuckas...
Also, watching her performance has led to a huge surge in lipsynching in my apartment.



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