Sunday, May 14, 2006

Spring Cleaning...

Man, is fellow-ette tired. She woke up this mom's day early, and has been erranding, cleaning out her closet, gathering laundry, unloading/re-loading the dishwasher, stacking shoes with their mates, sticking earrings with their mates, throwing out old receipts/menus/professional development flyers, folding up winter clothes and packing them away, sticking loose change in a body butter canister, and vaguely pondering her future. She's also been discussing the new gmail photo feature with shook:

: have yougiven thought to your gmail pic?
shook the spot: haha yep!
but i dunno...
fellow-ette: no one wants to be the first!
[redacted gossip about people we know vis-a-vis their pictures]

shook the spot: the question is, does it need to be a presentable pic?
fellow-ette: right... is it a facebook-style glam shot, a professional-looking mug, or the stonedest-looking pic you got?
shook the spot: i'm thinking professional-with-a-twist
but i'm pretty stoned in every picture i have of me
fellow-ette i feel ya

it goes on... then i picked a photo, but it was sideways, and much drama ensued. Yahoo.

But I meander. So back to my school, with its pearly gates of metal detectors, with its sentinels of bored cops, with its citizens sporting nikes they often can't afford, that memorable place for the discussion of which this VERY blog was created. The days have been pretty manageable since vacation-- nothing too horrible or exciting. I'm feeling a lot of separation anxiety about my kids. They are so good, for the most part, and so unmotivated too, and that combination makes their teacher worried all the time.
Plus, they are so alive and funny and interesting and stimulating, even in negative ways, with their new slang expressions, their observations about my wardrobe, their melodramas and insights, and their amazing litany of pop lyrics. They really amaze me. I don't know how to tell them I'm not going to be back next year.

IMPACT folks were in the building on Friday, leading to a flurry of surpsise "GIVE US A TYPED LESSON PLAN" visits-- for some odd reason, fellow-ette was omitted from this search. Which was good, because fridays are official bullshit days in her classroom. She did quiz her students on the literary elements though, which many of them are beginning to understand much better. Conflict, dialogue, setting, characterization. Say it after me!

That's it for now... have a lovely mom's day; shout-out to fellow-ette's mom in Yosemite hiking the gorges, her grandmom socializing uptown, and all the other moms who raise their children right and get lots of shit from us nonetheless.

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