Monday, May 08, 2006

Thank you for smocking

WARNING: incoherent rant follows

One of my students insists on spelling smoking that way when he freewrites about his weed-laced exploits,much to my chagrin. The spelling, that is.

I also just saw the movie, which was amusing and sharp. But I've been led to digress from discussing the spinmeister portrayed therein by Aaron Eckhart. Why do I digress, you ask? Well, it's because of a thread on the imdb message board for "Thank You" star Maria Bello which discusses the amount of pubic hair she showed in a "History of Violence." Apparently, the posters generally agreed that the pubes were too much/unnecessary.


I like to talk about women's bodies as much as the next guy or gal-- they're more interesting in general (and infinitely more portrait-able) than mens'-- and I'm also in a personal not-so-feminist mood these days, but pricks (and I use the word on purpose) like these always get the Steinem in me RILED UP. Note to people like this: stop complaining about women's bods when they're portrayed in any way that de-pornificates them or makes them seem human or real, and then take a look at your own flabby or scrawny and probaly hairy ass, wasted away from too much time on the computer salivating over actresses' nude scenes. You pervs are DEAD TO ME.

On a similar note, I gave all my sophomores a lecture on the connection between Piri Thomas' homophobia/sexism and the racism he encounters to the tune of "If white society makes him feel emasculated, he decides to take it out on even more disadvantaged people so that he can regain his manliness but in the end he's only adding to the hierarchy" blah blah blah. I wanted them to understand that in writing about his homophobia, Thomas isn't condoning it, but rather confessing. It was the quietest my sophomores have been in ages. I hope their discomfort was productive to their self-growth.

Finally, today "M," a student I've bemoaned on AGW before, told me I was his "favoritest" teacher; after all the "This class is boring" and "fuck school" I endure regularly, I was suprised by how moved I was. A little positive reinforcement goes a long ass way.



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