Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Chuck D is a golden god

why does no one listen to the political celebrities? I just tuned in to a song called "Bin Laden" which features the refrain:

bin laden didnt blow up the projects
it was you nigga
it was you nigga

(the you of course, being George W. Bush).

It also includes lyrics about how black and latino youth get the worst education. This of course me feel like a failure-- even though I know it's ridiculous for me to expect to make more than a miniscule dent in the system. After two days chock full of incidents including students cursing out my AP, accusing me of snitching, pulling lighters out and singeing each others braids, and whipping out cellphones out to plan fights, oh yeah and generally bullying each other so much I can't stand it, I hope my idealism/righteous indignation is not irreperably lost. I admit to having all the negative thoughts I forbade myself from entertaining at the beginning of the year.

So here's the schedule for the week:

Tomorrow: Dinner for grandma's 91st! (mazel tov grandma)
Thursday: Observation and p-t-conferences-- aka hell day.
Friday: p-t-conferences...

weekend: HALLELUJAH.

Someone please post a comment. My blog is getting looonely!


Blogger yomister said...

June 28th. That's all I'm saying.

(By the way, it sounds like you're doing an outstanding job. Really.)

2:00 PM  
Blogger SarahMarian said...

Thanks so much to my witty peers in the teacha blogospheah, and my peers at my large inhuman urban high school, who helped me today by regaling me with stories of thrown desks and fistfights, and cheered me up with visits to my room and praise for my lesson planning.

I feel so much better (tear, sob)

3:54 PM  

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