Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sent Back to Class...


Today in my literacy class we had a giant bitchfest about incompetent, nasty administrators, students who have learned how to con the system, ridiculously overscheduled days, and mostly our own frustration and impotence in the face of these obstacles. We all feel like we're pushing against a brick wall, with an occasional movement that spikes our hopes briefly. That group revelation, combined with the whole world of teacher blogging out there (thanks, other teacher-bloggers, for linking to me, I hope to return the favor soon!) that I'm discovering, makes me feel less alone.

One of my classmates suggested that the best solution to the corruption and decay seen by all of us in the public school system is to "blow up all the schools-- and some administrators-- and start from scratch." The entire room seemed to agree. I fantasize about hundred of little red schoolhouses, run with the spirit and care that wealthy parents would expect and ALL students deserve.

The one thing I felt that distanced me from the other teachers, besides my avowed youth, naivete and bewilderment, is that I don't think my path to making a difference will continue to cut through the classroom. I miss writing, interviewing, talking about ideas too much. My new ambition is to expose public schools the way prisons have been exposed recently (fat lot of good it's done) in some high-class new york media outlet. But who knows where I'll be and what I'll do? I just feel that the wind is blowing and I'll be bidding a restless farewell to my classroom come June. Til then? My planning starts once I'm on vacation, thanks so much.



Blogger MsMalarkey said...

I think that is a great idea.

As for administrators, it's sad that all you really have to do is take some classes and have a pulse. It's scary to me, when I look at some of the teachers in my school who have admin credentials. I shudder to think of what will happen if they become APs.

12:40 PM  

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