Monday, February 27, 2006

Emma Thompson is a golden goddess

Since getting home from work/errands today I've been doing little save watching Film's most sophisticated leading lady do her thang... first in the Remains of the Day, where she and Anthony Hopkins smoulder as repressed servants of a Nazi-sympathizer Lord, and then she and Kate Winslet tear it up in Sense and Sensibility, the movie I can quote more than any other (thanks to Thompson's script.) Oh, how I adore a good period drama... oh, how I would adore watching them all day.

Favorite lines from S and S?
"What care I for colds when there is such a man?" "You will care very much when your nose swells up."
"If my feelings were shallower, I could conceal them, as you do."
"Like, regard, esteem?"
"Elinor, where is your heart?"
"Willoughby! Will you not shake hands?"
And the best line ever... of course... "He did (sob!) He did!"

BUT... I digress...

Today, my first day back, was actually rather lovely, with the exception of the long long long stupid department meeting which meant that I didn't get home til six...

My kids were cute. My lesson plans solid. My sense of humor was well-rested and flexible. I had to deal with the usual... being told my blue beads made me crip, three of my frosh pretending to jump me when I did hallway duty (i used kung fu to defend myself), one of my favorites from the Jamaican connection asking me if sex with shallow penetration still meant a girl could get pregnant (OY) and three of my students quietly begining to "rank" the girls in the class. The last one was the one I really went Ape-sh*t about because I remember what it was like to be a girl in high school. But all in all, I feel I handled it well. I even had fun! And taught something. Still, time goes by so slowly, as Madonna so eloquently says.


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