Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Things that happened this morning:

*I locked myself out of my apartment and had to call and wake up my 91-year old roommate to let me in (sorry grandma!)
*I blew four bucks on a taxi uptown hoping it would help me make an earlier express train
*Said train did not appear for 20 minutes.
*Said train was further delayed in the tunnel.

*Upon arrival in school, I had the dreaded "five absences" letter in my box. My name was incorrectly spelled on it.
*Upon arrival upstairs, I spent twenty minutes perfecting the research introductions worksheet I had constructed last night.
*I then accidentally closed the document and lost it to a temporary folder.
*The printer was broken anyway and my AP was absent, rendering both my work and my stress useless. In the end I had to bum a worksheet off of frantic.
*My pass has disappeared for like, the 60billionth time (but it always turns up again, sigh.)

That's about it... is it enough?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with having 5 absences. Tell them to buzz off. Don't allow that letter to go in your file. Take a few more days off while you are at it.

4:49 PM  

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